Surviving a Power Grid Attack: Comprehensive Guide and Checklist

Photo by: Pok Rie Source: Pexels

In today’s interconnected world, the stability and availability of our power grid is essential for our day-to-day life. A power grid attack, whether from cyber-attacks, natural disasters, or physical assaults, can disrupt life as we know it, making it critical for individuals to be prepared. This article provides steps to survive a power grid attack and a checklist of items to keep on hand for such emergencies.

Understanding a Power Grid Attack

A power grid attack means that the electrical power system has been compromised. Without power, most modern conveniences cease to operate, impacting food storage, water purification, heating, cooling, transportation, communication, and more.

Immediate Steps to Take After a Power Grid Attack:

  1. Stay Calm: In emergencies, panic can be more dangerous than the event itself. Stay calm, gather your thoughts, and ensure your family and loved ones are safe.
  2. Conserve Power: Turn off and unplug all unnecessary electronic devices and appliances. Use power conservatively if you have backup sources.
  3. Check Information Sources: While mainstream channels might be down, battery-operated radios can help gather news and updates.
  4. Secure your Home: With security systems down, ensure doors and windows are locked. Create a safe room if possible.
  5. Limit Refrigerator and Freezer Access: The less you open them, the longer the food will stay cool.
  6. Conserve Water: If you suspect water pumps might be affected, fill bathtubs, sinks, and containers with water. Use it sparingly.
  7. Create a Communication Plan: Ensure all family members know where to meet and how to get in touch if separated.

Steps to Survive the Days & Weeks After the Attack:

  1. Ration Food and Water: Use non-perishable foods first. Monitor your water supply and ration accordingly.
  2. Hygiene and Sanitation: With no water heating, it’s vital to keep clean to avoid disease. Use disinfectant wipes or sanitizers. If there’s a shortage of water, consider sponge baths.
  3. Stay Warm: In cold environments, dress in layers, insulate your home, and consider grouping together in one room to share body heat.
  4. Keep Active: Physical activity generates heat and keeps the mind occupied. Create a routine of activities to stay active.
  5. Use Barter System: With the financial system possibly disrupted, items like bottled water, batteries, and canned food can be used for trading.
  6. Stay Informed: Keep your battery-powered radio on for updates from authorities.
  7. Create a Support Network: Join forces with neighbors. Pool resources and form neighborhood watches.
  8. Be Ready to Relocate: If the situation doesn’t improve or becomes unsafe, have a plan to relocate to a safer place, preferably a pre-arranged location.

Checklist of Items to Survive a Power Grid Attack:

Essential Items:

  • Water: A minimum of one gallon per person per day, for at least three days.
  • Non-perishable Food: Canned goods, granola bars, dried fruits, and nuts.
  • Manual Can Opener: If your kit contains canned food.
  • Battery-powered Radio: For news and updates.
  • Flashlights: Avoid candles if possible due to fire risk.
  • Extra Batteries: For your radio, flashlights, and other essential devices.
  • First Aid Kit: Include bandages, antiseptics, pain relievers, and necessary prescription medications.

Safety & Hygiene:

  • Personal Sanitation Items: Wet wipes, garbage bags, and plastic ties.
  • Dust Mask: To filter contaminated air.
  • Plastic Sheeting and Duct Tape: To create a makeshift shelter.
  • Whistle: To signal for help.
  • Multitool or Swiss Army Knife: Versatility in tools can be crucial.

Communication & Navigation:

  • Local Maps: Helps in navigation if GPS is down.
  • Compass: Essential for direction.
  • Charged Portable Power Banks: For emergency phone charges.


  • Warm Clothes and Blankets: Especially if you’re in a cold environment.
  • Cash: In small denominations.
  • Important Documents: Copies of insurance policies, identification, bank account records saved electronically or in a waterproof container.
  • Firestarter: Matches in a waterproof container or a lighter.
  • Activities for Children: Books, puzzles, or games if you have children.

Additional Considerations:

  • If you have infants, ensure you have baby food, formula, diapers, and other essential supplies.
  • Pet food and extra water if you have pets.
  • Female sanitary products if needed.


Surviving a power grid attack requires preparation and mindfulness. The critical element in surviving any disaster is the ability to adapt and stay informed. With the right tools and mindset, you can navigate the challenges of a powerless world. Remember, unity and cooperation with your community can make the process more bearable and even save lives. Start preparing today to ensure your safety and that of your loved ones.